My post yesterday introduced you all to my family and the nicknames I have for them. Why nicknames coz I scream out their names enough times a day that I have no inclination of using them in writing too. Also I rather protect their privacy coz a few years down the line when my son googles himself he would not want to see his potty training adventure listed on the first page.
But as promised here is a detailed explanation of why the nicknames came to be.

is my husband though he looks nothing like this guy. He is just called that because of his love for cleaning. Seriously for him cleaning is a hobby. In an ideal world Mr Clean would be married to Fly Lady and they would live happily ever after but in the real world the laws of attraction took effect and he ended up with me his complete opposite. I am a messy Gemini who lives in controlled chaos. My idea of a clean closet is when I open the door nothing falls out and all clothing is clean and weather appropriate. Mr Clean on the other hand cleans a closet like he is stocking up the mens section at Nordstroms. At the end of his cleaning the closet is soooo clean that it would pass muster should Martha Stewart come inspecting. The problem with that guy is he has no priorities. Unlike me see if I have to choose between cleaning a closet and gossiping on the phone my priority would always be the phone.
But all said and done Mr Clean is the reason my home does not look tornado hit at all times. He is a fabulous husband and an even more fantastic father. His whole world revolves around his family and I am so thankful for that. He is my partner in every sense of the word. A strong anchor to the tempestuous dinghy I am at all times; And I thank destiny everyday that opposites attract coz if there were two of me I would have whole episodes of Clean House devoted to me.
Now before you think I am a good for nothing lazy bum [u may be remotely right] I do the other important things in the house other than cleaning. I am the one who knows how to setup the home theater, the wireless network and program the blu ray player to play netflix. I am the one who plans all our Disney vacations [to all my Disboard peeps you all know what a hard job that is]. I am also the one who will be holding the baseball bat should a hapless burglar decide to break into our house. I am the one who can end any arguments between my kids with one look [unlike him who tries to make them see reason and explain the fine art of loving thy sibling]. Little does he know that fear of losing the Wii trumps evoking brother love every single time. Plus I am the fulltime chef, chauffeur, nurse, referee to the two hooligans. Writing all of this in one place made me realize I work way too hard and need another vacation and a raise in my shopping allowance.
More to come on Straight Line and Rule Bender tomorrow.
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